Have you been charged with a dui or dwp, possession, theft, assault and battery, burglary or shoplifting in Boise, Idaho and need a lawyer or attorney to defend you?  Have you been charged with a crime in Boise, Idaho and need to find lawyers or attorneys to give you the best advice on what to do for criminal defense? Criminal Defense is what we do at the Boise Criminal Law Center.  Boise Criminal Law Center has attorneys and lawyers to help you when you have been charged with a crime in Boise, Idaho.  If you want the best advice from a lawyer or attorney in Boise, Idaho for a DUI, DWP,  or a crime such as assault and battery, theft, burglary, larceny, possession or drugs, call today.  You will get a free consultation and you will be advised of your rights.  Just because you commit a crime doesn't mean that you don't have rights.  Get the best help possible for DUI, DWP, theft, possession, burglary, shoplifting or assault and battery.  Call today for the the help you need.  At the Criminal Law Center you will get justice along with criminal defense.
If you have been charged with a DUI, DWP, assault and battery, theft or possession, burglary or shoplifting you need to talk to a lawyer right away.  The best attorney in Boise is Pat Kershisnik.  He is a Boise DUI Lawyer and Idaho Criminal attorney who knows how to get results.  He knows how to get you out of the fix you are in.  There are thousands of attorneys and lawyers in Idaho.  There are even more attorneys and lawyers from outside of Idaho, but there is only one law firm that is the best.  The best DUI and criminal law defense attorney around is Pat Kershisnik.  Call the Boise DUI Law Center today to speak to a lawyer who will defend you if you were caught driving under the influence or you have committed a crime in Idaho.  You can speak to a lawyer right now.  You can make an appointment with a DUI attorney or a criminal law lawyer by calling (208) 472-2385 now.  Don't mess around with your rights or your freedom.  Call now, you will be glad you did.
Boise Criminal Law  Center

(208) 472-2385

101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 701
Boise, ID 83702
Call Today for you free consultation
Boise Criminal Law Center - Boise DUI Lawyer - Criminal Defense Attorney - Assault and Battery - Possession - Theft
and Crime in Idaho

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Copyright Boise DUI Law Center 2010

Aggressive Criminal Defense:

Charged with a DUI or a crime in Idaho?  You need an experienced DUI lawyer or criminal defense attorney to help you immediately.  Call right now for you free consultation, (208) 472-2385, or fill out the form to the right to set up your free inital appointment with a DUI attorney or a criminal defense lawyer at the Boise Criminal Law Center.  You need the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer at a price you can afford.  Get the help you need today.

Aggressive DUI, DWP and Drug Possession Defense:

At the Boise Criminal Law Center, whether you have been charged with a DUI, DWP or drug possession charge you will be represented by an experienced and aggressive Idaho criminal defense attorney who knows the law and who knows how to help you.

Aggresive Boise, Idaho Assault and Battery Criminal Defense Attorney:

If you have been charged with assault and battery in Idaho, you need a Boise Criminal defense attorney who will stand by you and who will defend you and your rights.  Don't mess around with your rights or your freedom, call today.   The Boise Criminal Law Center will provide you criminal defense and help you get the results you need.  Call for your free consultation at (208) 472-2385 or fill out the form to the right.

Aggressive Boise, Idaho Criminal Defense Attorney for Theft:

Being charged with theft is no small matter.  If you have been charged with theft in Idaho you need to have a Boise criminal defense attorney who knows the law and who knows how to preserve your rights.  Perserve you freedom - Don't mess around with theft issues.  Call today, (208) 472-2385.

Our Law Firm Provides
Criminal Defense in Many Areas Including:

Assault and Battery
Aggravated Assault
Malicious Harassment
Domestic Violence
Gun Charges

Receipt of Stolen Goods


Sex Crimes
Indecent Exposure
Statutory Rape

Reckless Driving
Inattentive Driving

Failure to Appear
Resisting Arrest
Parole Violation
Probation Violation

Property Charges

Felony Charges
Misdemeanor Charges

Boise Criminal Lawyers
DUI Charges in Idaho:

Driving under the influence is a serious crime in Idaho and it can result in a loss of your freedom and your rights. 

You can be charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of alcohol but you can also be charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of drugs.  If you were cited with a DUI because of drugs you may also be facing possession charges.  

You can be charged with a first, second, third or greater DUI.  The more convictions you have, the progressively greater the penalties.  To see what the penalty for DUI in Idaho is click here.

You can be charged with an excessive DUI.  This is when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is greater than .20.  This carries a stiffer penalty than an ordinary DUI.

Depending upon what type of DUI you have been charged with, you can lose your driving privileges.  If you are caught driving with a suspended license, in addition to your DUI charge, you will be charged with a DWP.

If you are facing anyone of these charges make certain you get the help of the experienced DUI attorney at the Boise DUI Law Center.  With 17 years of experience defending those who have been charged with driving under the influence, Pat Kershisnik has a proven track record as a successful DUI attorney and he will come through for you.

Cost of DUI or Criminal Defense:

Of course the cost to have a DUI Lawyer in Boise Idaho or a Boise Criminal Defense Attorney to defend you is going to depend upon your exact charges.  Whatever your charge, the Boise Criminal Law Center provides experienced representation at a price you can afford.  The Boise Criminal Law Center offers flat fee representation for pleas and provides many affordable payment plans if you decide to challenge the charge.

The Boise Criminal Law Center is conveniently located in downtown Boise at 101 S. Capitol Blvd, Suite 701.  We are open from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm but because we know this doesn't work for everyone, we offer after hours and weekend appointments as well.  If you need an experienced DUI attorney or Boise Criminal Defense attorney who is affordable, flexible and willing to work with you, you have come to the right place

If you  have been charged with a DUI, DWP, theft, possession or assault and battery  in Boise, Idaho, Ada County, Nampa, Caldwell, Canyon County, Mountain Home or Elmore County or the surrounding areas, give us a call.  At Boise DUI Law Center you will find an experienced Boise Criminal defense attorney who will agressively defend you and protect your freedom and your rights.  Call today, (208)472-2383.  You will be glad you did.

For more information on DUI, DWP, assault and battery, theft, possession or other crime in Idaho, please visit www.lawboiseid.com

Boise Criminal Defense Attorney - Boise DUI Lawyer (208) 472-2385

As a Boise Criminal Defense Attorney, I often blog about the penalty for DUI.  The Idaho Code sets forth very specific fines and punishments for the varying degrees of DUI.  It ranges from first time offense, to three or more within a 10 year period.  It also includes aggravated DUI and excessive DUI.  Many people want to know if these penalties are fixed in stone.  Yes and no.

Plea Bargain
When DUI Lawyers talk about plea bargains, they are responding to that question of whether or not the penalty for DUI is fixed in stone.  The Idaho Code gives a range, and so you won't have a fine that exceeds the maximum fine or minimum sentence, per se.  A plea bargain is a deal your DUI Attorney makes with the prosecuting attorney and which is accepted by the judge.  Say for example, it is your second DUI within 10 years.  The Idaho Code states that you shall have a mandatory minimum of 10 days in jail with the first 48 hours served consecutively.  So, does that mean you will have a least a 10 day jail sentence?  It does if you plead guilty or are found guilty of a second time DUI within 10 years.  If, however, you are able to get a plea bargain, your DUI Lawyer might be able to have your charge reduced to a first time DUI and then you won't get that minimum 10 day jail sentence.

A plea bargain is a situation where your Criminal Defense Attorney explains "your situation" to the prosecutor.  There may be extenuating circumstances which justify the prosecuting attorney and the judge to consider a different penalty.  A plea bargain can be a very good deal to help you reduce your sentence or your fine.

If you have been charged with DUI and need to speak with a Boise Criminal Defense Attorney, please give us a call and see what we can do for you, (208) 472-2385

Marijuana Legalization - Boise Criminal Attorney (208) 472-2385

Legalization of Marijuana
In the most recent election voters in Washington and Colorado told the government that they wanted to be able to legally smoke pot.  Possession of marijuana, for recreational use, is now legal in both states.  I have been asked numerous times as a Boise Criminal Lawyer if this means that Idahoans can cross state lines and buy marijuana there.

Unfortunately, while it is legal to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana for personal use, you can't buy it anywhere legally.  Also, it is still a federal crime to possess marijuana.  A further complication is transporting illegal drugs across state lines.  So if pot is legal, where the heck do you buy it?  The answer is nowhere, legally.

As a Boise Criminal Attorney I see these apparent contradictions in the law all the time.  For example, there is that crazy statute that says that you must pay taxes on your illegal drugs.  The contradiction here is if you go to pay taxes (like who would?) then the government knows you have drugs!  This contradiction is primarily due to the fact that the law is new.  It is unknown territory.  Ultimately, it is likely these these kinks will be worked out and undoubtedly you will be able to buy marijuana legally in Washington and Colorado.  Until then, if you sell marijuana or buy it - beware because you can still be busted for it.

If you have a criminal law or DUI issue and want to talk to a Boise Criminal Attorney, give us a call, (208) 472-2385

DUI and Licence Suspension - Boise DUI Attorney (208) 472-2385

Suspended License
Driving without a license is a serious violation in Idaho.  Often, people will lose their license due to a DUI conviction.  As a Boise Criminal Attorney a fairly common question people ask me is, "What happens if I never got notice of the license suspension?  Will I still get a DWP?"  Sadly, the answer to this question is general yes.

Notice of License Suspension
In order for a license suspension to be valid the Idaho Code says that you have to have knowledge of the suspension.  Often, as a Boise Criminal Lawyer I will get calls from people who didn't know their license was suspended. This is generally the scenario:  A person will be convicted of a DUI.  At some point before they received the notice of suspension in the mail they moved.  They might even have forwarded the mail only to find out after a subsequent traffic stop that they are driving on a suspended license.

As I noted above, they are likely to be convicted of a DWP.  As a Boise Criminal Lawyer, the next frustrated question I get from individuals is, "How can I be charged with a DWP if I never got notice?"  You were on constructive notice.  The law presumes that you knew or should have known that your license was suspended.  In addition, the law reads that the address on file at the DMV is the address where you will receive notice.  If you fail to change your address on your driver's license at the DMV you will not receive these important notices.  That, however, is the responsibility of the driver.  Forwarding your mail through the US Mail will not effect the address at the DMV.

If you need to speak to a Boise DUI Attorney or a Boise Criminal Defense Lawyer give us a call today, (208) 472-2385.

Boise Criminal Defense Attorneys - DUI in Idaho

DUI Stops in Boise
Several people called my office yesterday wondering about the story in the newspaper about the Boise Police setting up a DUI dragnet on the connector.  Is this legal?, they were wondering.  As a Boise Criminal Attorney who does hundreds of DUI cases a year, I see people who have been caught driving under the influence in this very situation.  Is it legal?  Yes.  In short it is heightened patrol.

What does heightened patrol do?  As the story in the Idaho Statesman outlined yesterday, it nets more DUI stops.  If you think about the numbers of individuals who were stopped on a weekday evening 10% of those stopped were cited for driving under the influence.

Criminal Procedure
The calls I get as a Boise Criminal Lawyer concerning these stops generally revolve around the legality of the stop but also whether or not the rights of the individuals are compromised.  The Boise police are still held to the same standards as a regular stop for a DUI.  They must have probable cause to pull you over.  They must follow standard DUI stop protocol.  They must read you your Miranda Rights.  Likewise, if you challenge one of these DUI stops you wouldn't want to challenge it on the basis that the stop was heightened patrol and therefore unfair (believe it or not, I have been asked to present this argument).  When you challenge this type of DUI stop you would still look at the evidence and make certain that no rights were violated and procedure was properly followed.  In addition, you would look at breathalyzer calibration and certification as well as the surrounding circumstances.

If you have been charged with a DUI and you need to speak to a Boise Criminal Attorney, please give us a call, (208) 472-2384 and see what we can do for you.

Boise Criminal Lawyer Provides Insight on Criminal Law issues in Idaho
Boise Criminal Law Center - 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, ID 83702